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이 분야에 27 개의 상품이 있습니다.

The Peripheral T-Cell Lymphomas (Hardcover)

Owen A. O'connor / Wiley

275,870원(30%할인 / 2,760원)

Manual of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology (Hardcover, 5, Revised)

Philip Lanzkowsky / Academic Pr

217,170원(30%할인 / 2,180원)

Clinical Cases in Avian and Exotic Animal Hematology and Cytology (Hardcover)

Terry W. Campbell / Blackwell Pub

220,940원(30%할인 / 2,210원)

Human Blood Groups (Hardcover, 3 ed)

Geoff Daniels / John Wiley & Sons Inc

384,460원(30%할인 / 3,850원)

Haematology (Paperback, 11)

Deborah Hay / Wiley

51,880원(35%할인 / 520원)

Blood and Marrow Transplantation Long Term Management : Survivorship after Transplant (Hardcover, 2 ed)

Bipin N. Savani / Wiley

220,940원(30%할인 / 2,210원)

Diagnostic Pediatric Hematopathology (Hardcover, 1st)

Proytcheva, Maria / Cambridge University Press

396,020원(30%할인 / 3,970원)

Myelodysplastic Syndromes: Pathobiology and Clinical Management (Hardcover, 2)

David P. Steensma / Informa Healthcare

88,000원(61%할인 / 0원)

Perioperative Blood Management : A Physician's Handbook (Paperback)

Jonathan, Ed. Waters 지음 / American Assoication of Blood Banks

18,000원(73%할인 / 540원)

Color Atlas of Clinical Hematology : Molecular and Cellular Basis of Disease (Hardcover, 5 ed)

Hoffbrand, Victor / Wiley

362,740원(30%할인 / 3,630원)

Handbook of Acute Leukemia (Paperback)

Wolfgang Hiddemann / Adis

64,170원(35%할인 / 650원)

Handbook of Thromboprophylaxis (Paperback, 3, 2016)

David Perry / Adis

64,170원(35%할인 / 650원)

Third Venous Thromboembolism Registry Report (Hardcover)

Denise O'Shaughnessy / Dendrite Clinical Systems Limited

38,180원(35%할인 / 1,910원)

Guide to the Preparation,Use and Quality Assurance of Blood Components (Hardcover)

Council of Europe / European Union

25,880원(35%할인 / 1,300원)

Leukemia and Lymphoma Reviews (Hardcover)

Aaron Polliack / Gordon and Breach

195,520원(35%할인 / 9,780원)

A Physician's Guide to Pain and Symptom Management in Cancer Patients (Hardcover)

Abrahm / The Johns Hopkins University Press

64,910원(35%할인 / 3,250원)

Handbook of Multiple Myeloma (Paperback)

Mohamad Mohty / Adis

83,420원(35%할인 / 840원)

Handbook of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (Paperback, 1st)

Timothy Hughes / Adis

64,170원(35%할인 / 650원)

Guide to Genital HPV Diseases and Prevention (Paperback)

William Bonnez / CRC Pr I Llc

27,000원(72%할인 / 810원)

Transfusion Medicine and Hemostasis: Clinical and Laboratory Aspects (Paperback)

Christopher D. Hillyer / Elsevier Science Ltd

81,690원(30%할인 / 820원)

Chronic Myeloproliferative Disorders (Hardcover)

Tariq Mughal / CRC Pr I Llc

10,000원(95%할인 / 0원)

Platelet Protocols: Research and Clinical Laboratory Procedures (Paperback)

Melanie McCabe White / Academic Pr

60,690원(40%할인 / 610원)

Fanconi Anemia (Hardcover)

D. Schindler / S Karger Ag

78,000원(70%할인 / 2,340원)

Renaissance of Sickle Cell Disease Research in the Genome Era (Hardcover)

Betty S. Pace / Imperial College Pr

212,060원(30%할인 / 2,130원)