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이 분야에 44 개의 상품이 있습니다.

Pocketradiologist Temporal Bone:Top 100 Diagnoses

Harnsberger, 지음 / W B Saunders Co

42,000원(30%할인 / 1,260원)

Clinical Decision Support: The Road Ahead (Hardcover)

Robert A. Greenes / Academic Pr

159,680원(30%할인 / 1,600원)

Evidence-Based Medicine Toolkit (Paperback, 2, Revised)

Carl Heneghan / B M J Books

51,030원(30%할인 / 520원)

Cell Biology (Hardcover)

Thomas D Pollard / Elsevier - Health Sciences Division

109,000원(30%할인 / 3,270원)

Antisepsis, Disinfection, and Sterilization: Types, Action, and Resistance (Hardcover, 2)

Gerald E. McDonnell / ASM Press

197,940원(30%할인 / 1,980원)

Drug Reference for Ems Providers (Paperback)

Richard K. Beck / Delmar Pub

110,490원(40%할인 / 1,110원)

Clinical Manual of Trigeminal Neuralgia (Hardcover)

M. Alan Stiles / CRC Pr I Llc

22,000원(80%할인 / 0원)

Medicine at a Glance (Paperback, 2nd)

Patrick Davey 지음 / Wiley-Blackwell

10,000원(84%할인 / 0원)

The Cerebellum : Learning Movement, Language, and Social Skills (Hardcover)

Dianne Broussard / John Wiley & Sons Inc

197,940원(30%할인 / 1,980원)

Aesthetic Surgery of the Facial Mosaic with DVD (Hardcover)

Panfilov 지음 / Springer Verge

250,000원(55%할인 / 2,500원)

Kidney Disease Management : A Practical Approach for the Non-Specialist Healthcare Practitioner (Paperback)

Rachel Lewis / Wiley-Blackwell

61,250원(30%할인 / 620원)

Wound Healing and Skin Integrity : Principles and Practice (Paperback)

Madeleine Flanagan / John Wiley & Sons Inc

81,690원(30%할인 / 820원)

Practical and Professional Clinical Skills (Paperback)

Vinod Patel / OUP Oxford

76,650원(30%할인 / 770원)

Advances in Clinical Chemistry: Volume 42 (Hardcover)

Gregory S. Makowski / Academic Pr

300,200원(30%할인 / 3,010원)

Pelvic Dysfunction in Men: Diagnosis and Treatment of Male Incontinence and Erectile Dysfunction (Paperback)

Grace Dorey, Ph.D. / John Wiley & Sons Inc

123,850원(30%할인 / 1,240원)

ABC of Palliative Care (Paperback, 2 ed)

Marie Fallon / B M J Books

72,750원(30%할인 / 730원)

The Natural and Modified History of Congenital Heart Disease (Hardcover)

Robert M. Freedom / Blackwell Pub

504,540원(30%할인 / 5,050원)

Vulvo-Vaginal Infections

Ledger, 지음 / Manson

10,000원(90%할인 / 300원)

Joint Commission International Accreditation Standards for Clinical Laboratories

Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Or / Joint Commission on

38,000원(70%할인 / 1,140원)

Miller's Anesthesia : Expert Consult-Online & Print (2nd Edition)

Miller, 지음 / Churchill Livingstone

200,000원(55%할인 / 0원)

Manual of Clinical Paramedic Procedures (Paperback)

Peter Gregory / Blackwell Pub

66,360원(30%할인 / 670원)

The Hands-on Guide to Clinical Pharmacology (Paperback, 3 ed)

Sukhdev Chatu / Blackwell Pub

54,860원(30%할인 / 550원)

Signs and Symptoms in Family Medicine: A Literature-Based Approach (Paperback)

Paul M. Paulman / W B Saunders Co

33,000원(38%할인 / 0원)

Pain in Osteoarthritis (Hardcover)

David T. Felson / Blackwell Pub

253,580원(30%할인 / 2,540원)