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이 분야에 36 개의 상품이 있습니다.

Microsoft Outlook 2007 Programming : Jumpstart for Power Users and Administrators (Paperback)

Sue Mosher / Digital Pr

94,460원(30%할인 / 950원)

Web Analytics For Dummies (Paperback)

Pedro Sostre / For Dummies

34,420원(30%할인 / 690원)

Absolute FreeBSD, 2nd Edition: The Complete Guide to FreeBSD (Paperback, 2)

Lucas, Michael W. / No Starch Pr

53,520원(40%할인 / 540원)

Practical Node.Js: Building Real-World Scalable Web Apps (Paperback)

Azat Mardanov / Apress

13,500원(80%할인 / 140원)

Amazon Web Services for Mobile Developers: Building Apps with Aws (Paperback)

Abhishek Mishra / John Wiley & Sons Inc

19,800원(75%할인 / 200원)

Dungeons and Dreamers: The Rise of Computer Game Culture from Geek to Chic (Hardcover, 1st)

McGraw-Hill Osborne Media

31,920원(30%할인 / 320원)

Windows(R) XP Home Edition: The Complete Reference (Paperback, 1st)

McGraw-Hill Osborne Media

51,080원(30%할인 / 520원)

How to Do Everything with Paint Shop Pro 8 (Paperback)

McGraw-Hill Osborne Media

31,920원(30%할인 / 320원)

Social Marketing to the Business Customer: Listen to Your B2B Market, Generate Major Account Leads, and Build Client Relationships (Paperback, 1st)


36,420원(30%할인 / 370원)

Evolutionary Algorithms for Mobile AD Hoc Networks (Hardcover)

Pascal Bouvry / John Wiley & Sons Inc

158,340원(30%할인 / 1,590원)

Internet Log Bk Red (Spiral)

Inc. Peter Pauper Press / Peter Pauper Pr

11,480원(30%할인 / 120원)

Advancing the Service Sector with Evolving Technologies: Techniques and Principles (Hardcover)

John Wang / Igi Global

236,330원(30%할인 / 2,370원)

Handbook of Research on Service-Oriented Systems and Non-Functional Properties: Future Directions (Hardcover)

Stephan Reiff-Marganiec / Igi Global

344,920원(30%할인 / 3,450원)

Performance and Dependability in Service Computing: Concepts, Techniques and Research Directions (Hardcover)

Valeria Cardellini / Igi Global

249,100원(30%할인 / 2,500원)

Business Organizations and Collaborative Web: Practices, Strategies and Patterns (Hardcover)

Kamna Malik / Information Science Reference

229,950원(30%할인 / 2,300원)

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 with SP1: Tony Redmond's Guide to Successful Implementation (Paperback)

Redmond, Tony / Digital Pr

104,680원(30%할인 / 1,050원)

Pay-Per-Click Search Engine Marketing: An Hour a Day [With Access Code] [With Access Code] (Paperback, 2)

David Szetela / Sybex Inc

38,310원(30%할인 / 390원)

Business Process Change (Paperback)

Paul Harmon / Morgan Kaufmann Pub

62,530원(30%할인 / 630원)

Scaling Microsoft Exchange 2000 : Create and Optimize High-Performance Exchange Messaging Systems (Paperback)

Pierre Bijaoui / Digital Pr

93,410원(40%할인 / 940원)

Get to the Top on Google : Tips and Techniques to Get Your Site to the Top of the Search Engine Rankings and Stay There (Paperback)

David Viney / Nicholas Brealey Intl

21,130원(40%할인 / 1,060원)

Web Analytics: An Hour a Day [With CDROM] (Paperback)

Avinash Kaushik / Sybex Inc

38,310원(30%할인 / 390원)

Actionable Web Analytics: Using Data to Make Smart Business Decisions (Paperback)

Burby, Jason / Sybex Inc

44,700원(30%할인 / 450원)

Building Electronic Commerce With Web Database Constructions (Paperback)

Nelson, Anne/ Nelson, William H.M. / Addison-Wesley

110,620원(30%할인 / 1,110원)

Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Technologies : Planning, Design and Implementation (Paperback)

Kevin Laahs / Digital Pr

104,680원(30%할인 / 1,050원)