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이 분야에 32 개의 상품이 있습니다.

Julius Caesar (Paperback)

Shakespeare, William / William Collins

4,200원(30%할인 / 90원)

The Bible (Paperback)

David Norton / Penguin Classics

29,400원(30%할인 / 590원)

Modern Latin American Literature: A Very Short Introduction (Paperback)

Gonzalez Echevarria, Roberto / Oxford Univ Pr

13,720원(35%할인 / 420원)

Literature and Science in the Nineteenth Century : An Anthology (Paperback)

Laura Otis / Oxford Univ Pr

18,310원(35%할인 / 550원)

Shakespeare on Flowers: Panorama Pops (Hardcover)

Dawn Cooper / Walker Books Ltd

9,870원(30%할인 / 200원)

Chinese Literature: A Very Short Introduction (Paperback, New)

Sabina Knight / Oxford Univ Pr

13,720원(35%할인 / 420원)

Georgics (Paperback)

Virgil / Oxford Univ Pr

13,720원(35%할인 / 420원)

Shakespeare's Words of Wisdom: Panorama Pops (Hardcover)

Tatiana Boyko / Walker Books Ltd

9,870원(30%할인 / 200원)

A History of Modern French Literature: From the Sixteenth Century to the Twentieth Century (Hardcover)

Christopher Prendergast / Princeton University Press

50,180원(50%할인 / 510원)

London: An Illustrated Literary Companion (Hardcover)

Gray / Crw Publishing

19,710원(30%할인 / 400원)

A Guide to Early Printed Books and Manuscripts (Paperback)

Mark Bland / John Wiley & Sons Inc

56,140원(30%할인 / 570원)

The Greatest Books You'll Never Read : Unpublished Masterpieces by the World's Greatest Writers (Paperback)

Erica Jarnes / Cassell

28,200원(40%할인 / 1,410원)

The Literature Lover's Book of Lists: Serious Trivia for the Bibliophile (Paperback)

Prentice Hall Press

54,920원(30%할인 / 550원)

Black Books Galore!: Guide to More Great African American Children's Books (Paperback)


25,480원(30%할인 / 260원)

The Encyclopedia of the Novel (Paperback)

Peter Melville Logan / Blackwell Pub

88,080원(30%할인 / 890원)

The English Handbook : A Guide to Literary Studies (Paperback)

William Whitla / Blackwell Pub

39,530원(30%할인 / 400원)

Nineteenth Century Literature Criticism (Hardcover)

Evans Denise / Gale Cengage

163,560원(40%할인 / 8,180원)

Concise Dictionary of World Literary Biography (Hardcover)

Matthew Bruccoli / Gale Cengage

312,980원(30%할인 / 3,130원)

A Companion to Chaucer (Paperback)

Brown, Peter / Blackwell Pub

85,520원(30%할인 / 860원)

James Joyce : A Short Introduction (Hardcover)

Michael Seidel / Blackwell Pub

168,560원(30%할인 / 1,690원)

Latin American Writers: Supplement I (Hardcover)

Carlos A. Sole / Charles Scribners Sons/Reference

302,760원(30%할인 / 3,030원)

Nineteenth Century Literature Criticism (Hardcover)

Gerald R. Barterian / Gale / Cengage Learning

371,180원(35%할인 / 18,560원)

A Concise Companion to American Fiction, 1900 - 1950 (Hardcover)

Peter Stoneley / Blackwell Pub

51,030원(30%할인 / 520원)

The Novel : An Anthology of Criticism and Theory 1900-2000 (Hardcover)

Dorothy J. Hale / Blackwell Pub

242,650원(30%할인 / 2,430원)