[외국도서] El Tesoro Escondido / The Hidden Treasure: La Vida Interior de Ni?s Y Adolescentes. Terapia Infantil Y Juvenil / The Inner Life of Children and Adole (Paperback)
[외국도서] Tardes de T?Con Elena / Tea Afternoons with Elena: Charlas Con Elena Poniatowska En Chimalistac / Talks with Elena Poniatowska at Chimalistac (Paperback)
[외국도서] Elige Mejor / Choose Better: Aprende a Tomar Decisiones Que Impacten Positivamente Tu Vida / Learn to Make Choices That Positively Impact Your Life (Paperback)
[외국도서] La Desaparici? Forzada En M?ico / Forced Disappearance in Mexico: de la Represi? a la Rentabilidad / From Repression to Profitability (Paperback)