Thrilling Adventures Among the Indians: Comprising the Most Remarkable Personal Narratives of Events in the Early Indian Wars, as Well as of Incidents (Hardcover)
History of the State of California: From the Period of the Conquest by Spain, to Her Occupation by the United States of America: Containing an Account (Hardcover)
Lives of the Heroes of the American Revolution: Comprising the Lives of Washington and His Generals and Officers Who Were the Most Distinguished in th (Hardcover)
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Pictorial Life of George Washington: Embracing a Complete History of the Seven Years' War, the Revolutionary War, the Formation of the Federal Constit (Hardcover)
Pictorial History of Mexico and the Mexican War: Comprising an Account of the Ancient Aztec Empire, the Conquest by Cortes, Mexico Under the Spaniards (Hardcover)
The Book of the Army: Comprising a General Military History of the United States from the Period of the Revolution to the Present Time, Etc. (Paperback)
History of the State of California, from the Period of Her Conquest by Spain to Her Occupation by the Unites States of America, Etc. (Fifth Thousand.) (Paperback)
Pictorial Life of George Washington: Embracing a Complete History of the Seven Years War, the Revolutionary War, the Formation of the Federal Constitu (Hardcover)
Illustrated Historical Sketches of the Indians: Exhibiting Their Manners and Customs on the Battlefield and in the Wigwam, with Numerous Anecdotes and (Hardcover)