A Guide to the History and Valuation of the Coins of Great Britain and Ireland in Gold, Silver, and Copper: From the Earliest Period to the Present Ti (Hardcover)
A Guide to the History and Valuation of the Coins of Great Britain and Ireland in Gold, Silver, and Copper: From the Earliest Period to the Present Ti (Paperback)
A Guide to the History and Valuation of the Coins of Great Britain and Ireland in Gold, Silver, and Copper: From the Earliest Period to the Present Ti (Hardcover)
Synopsis of the Contentsof the Brirish Museum. Department of Coins and Medals. a Guide to the English Medals Exhibited in the King's Library (Paperback)
A Guide to the History and Valuation of the Coins of Great Britain and Ireland in Gold, Silver, and Copper: From the Earliest Period to the Present Ti (Paperback)