Effect of carbohydrates and amino acids on fermentative production of alpha amylase: Solid state fermentation utilizing agricultural wastes (Paperback)
Geo-Biologically Important Oil Indicating Microorganisms of Sub-Saharan Region. Screening of Oil Indicating Microorganisms from Major Geo-Political Zo (Paperback)
Production of Cephalosporin from Acremonium chrysogenum ATCC 3568 (Paperback) - Fermentative production of Cephalosporin from Acremonium chrysogenum ATCC 3568 (Cephalosporium acremonium W 532553)
Utilization of agro-wastes in fermentative production of alpha amylase (Paperback) - Production of fungal alpha amylase by solid state fermentation utilizing various agricultural wastes
Fermentative Production of Fungal Alpha Amylase and Amyloglucosidase (Paperback) - Solid State Fermentation for production of Alpha Amylase and Amyloglucosidase enzymes utilizing Agricultural wastes