The Journal Of Christopher Columbus During His First Voyage, 1492-93; And Documents Relating To The Voyages Of John Cabot And Gaspar Corte Real (Paperback)
La premi?e relation de Christophe Colomb (1493): Lettre sur une ?ition de l'"Epistola Christofori Colom" appartenant ?la Biblioth?ue Royale de Bru (Hardcover)
C?ice Diplom?ico-Americano De Cristobal Colon: Colecci? De Cartas, De Privilegios, Cedulas Y Otras Escrituras Del Gran Descubridor Del Nuevo Mundo, (Paperback)
The Journal of Christopher Columbus During His First Voyage, 1492-93; And Documents Relating to the Voyages of John Cabot and Gaspar Corte Real (Paperback)
Relations Des Quatre Voyages Entrepris Par C. Colomb Pour La de Couverte Du Nouveau-Monde de 1492 a 1504; Suivies de Diverses Lettres Et Pie Ces Ine D (Paperback)
Primera Epistola Del Almirante Don Crist?al Col? Dando Cuenta De Su Gran Descubrimiento ?D. Gabriel S?chez, Tesorero De Arag?: Acompa? Al Texto (Paperback)
The Letter of Colombus on the Discovery of America: a facsimile of the pictorial edition, with a new and literal translation, and a complete reprint o (Paperback)