The Voiage and Travaile of Sir John Maundevile, Kt., Which Treateth of the Way to Hierusalem; and of Marvayles of Inde, With Other Ilands and Countrye (Hardcover)
The Voiage and Travaile of Sir John Maundevile, Kt., Which Treateth of the Way to Hierusalem; and of Marvayles of Inde, With Other Ilands and Countrye (Paperback) - Now Publish'd Entire From an Original Ms. in the Cotton Library
The Other Marco Polo (Paperback) - The Fascinating Travels of Sir John Mandeville Which Were Read by Leonardo Da Vinci, Inspired Christopher Columbus, and Were More Popular Than Marco P
The Voiage and Travayle of Sir John Maundeville (Paperback) - which treateth of the way toward Hierusalem and of marvayles of Inde with other islands and countreyes
The Travels and Voyages of Sir John Mandevile, Knt. Containing an Exact Description of the Way to Hierusalem, Great Caan, India, the Country of Presto (Hardcover)
The Foreign Travels and Dangerous Voyages of That Renowned English Knight Sir John Mandevile: ... to Which Is Added, an Account of a People of Strange (Hardcover)
Ioanne de Mandavilla: Qual Tratta de Le Piu Marauegliose Cose E Piu Notabile Che Se Trouino, E Come Presentialmente Ha Cercato Tutte Le Part (Paperback)
The Travels of Sir John Mandeville: The Version of the Cotton Manuscript in Modern Spelling, with Three Narratives, in Illustration of It, from Hakluy (Hardcover)
The Voiage and Travayle of Sir John Maundeville Knight: Which Treateth of the Way Toward Hierusalem and of Marvayles of Inde with Other Islands and Co (Hardcover)
The Voiage and Travaile of Sir John Maundevile, Kt: Which Treateth of the Way to Hierusalem; And of Marvayles of Inde, with Other Ilands and Countryes (Hardcover)
The Voiage and Travaile of Sir John Maundevile, Kt: Which Treateth of the Way to Hierusalem, and of Marvayles of Inde, with Other Ilands and Countryes (Hardcover)
The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandevile, Knight: Wherein Is Set Down the Way to the Holy Land, and to Hierusalem: As Also to the Lands of the Gr (Paperback)
The Marvelous Adventures of Sir John Maundevile: Being His Voyage and Travel Which Treateth of the Way to Jerusalem and of the Marvels of Ind with Oth (Hardcover) - Being His Voyage and Travel Which Treateth of the Way to Jerusalem and of the Marvels of Ind With Other Islands and Countries
The Book of John Mandeville: An Edition of the Pynson Text with Commentary on the Defective Version (Hardcover) - An Edition of the Pynson Text With Commentary on the Defective Version