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To the Lighthouse (Paperback)
버지니아 울프 지음
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The Karamazov Brothers (Paperback)
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
19,000원(5%) / 570원
Four Major Plays : (Doll's House; Ghosts; Hedda Gabler; and the Master Builder) (Paperback)
Ibsen, Henrik
13,940원(35%) / 420원
The Scarlet Letter (Paperback)
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
13,300원(5%) / 400원
The Portrait of a Lady (Paperback)
James, Henry
10,840원(35%) / 330원
Walden (Paperback)
Thoreau, Henry David
12,390원(35%) / 380원
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Shakespeare, William
15,200원(5%) / 460원
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13,300원(5%) / 400원
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오스카 와일드 외 지음
7,740원(35%) / 240원
Gulliver's Travels (Paperback)
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7,800원(35%) / 160원
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14,400원(10%) / 720원
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12,390원(35%) / 380원
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13,940원(35%) / 420원
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17,040원(35%) / 520원
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13,940원(35%) / 420원
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15,500원(35%) / 470원
Framley Parsonage : The Chronicles of Barsetshire (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
He Knew He Was Right (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Lady Anna (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Orley Farm (Paperback)
20,150원(35%) / 610원
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18,600원(35%) / 560원
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17,040원(35%) / 520원
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13,940원(35%) / 420원
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15,500원(35%) / 470원
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20,150원(35%) / 610원
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15,500원(35%) / 470원
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15,500원(35%) / 470원
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17,040원(35%) / 520원
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13,940원(35%) / 420원
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9,290원(35%) / 280원
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15,500원(35%) / 470원
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About Love and Other Stories (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
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12,390원(35%) / 380원
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13,940원(35%) / 420원
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18,600원(35%) / 560원
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15,500원(35%) / 470원
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15,500원(35%) / 470원
Physics (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Poetics (Paperback, Reprint)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
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15,500원(35%) / 470원
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13,940원(35%) / 420원
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12,390원(35%) / 380원
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15,500원(35%) / 470원
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12,390원(35%) / 380원
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12,390원(35%) / 380원
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Paperback)
10,840원(35%) / 330원
The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
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10,840원(35%) / 330원
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18,900원(30%) / 380원
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12,390원(35%) / 380원
A Tale of Two Cities (Paperback)
11,400원(5%) / 350원
Barnaby Rudge (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
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12,390원(35%) / 380원
David Copperfield (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
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15,500원(35%) / 470원
Great Expectations (Paperback, Reprint)
13,300원(5%) / 400원
Hard Times (Paperback)
10,840원(35%) / 330원
Little Dorrit (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Martin Chuzzlewit (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
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11,340원(30%) / 230원
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15,200원(5%) / 460원
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13,940원(35%) / 420원
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13,940원(35%) / 420원
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10,840원(35%) / 330원
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13,940원(35%) / 420원
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11,400원(5%) / 350원
Selected Letters (Paperback, New)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Shirley (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
The Professor (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Villette (Paperback, New)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
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Defence Speeches (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
On Obligations : De Officiis (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Political Speeches (Paperback)
17,040원(35%) / 520원
Selected Letters (Paperback)
18,600원(35%) / 560원
The Nature of the Gods (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
The Republic and the Laws (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
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Sons and Lovers (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
The Rainbow (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Women in Love (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
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13,940원(35%) / 420원
Moll Flanders (Paperback)
9,290원(35%) / 280원
Robinson Crusoe (Paperback)
13,300원(5%) / 400원
Roxana : The Fortunate Mistress (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
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An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, and the Natural History of Religion (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Selected Essays (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
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10,840원(35%) / 330원
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13,940원(35%) / 420원
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18,900원(30%) / 380원
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9,290원(35%) / 280원
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12,390원(35%) / 380원
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13,940원(35%) / 420원
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12,390원(35%) / 380원
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13,940원(35%) / 420원
Cranford (Paperback, New)
10,840원(35%) / 330원
Mary Barton (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
North and South (Paperback)
9,290원(35%) / 280원
Ruth (Paperback, New)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Sylvia's Lovers (Paperback)
17,040원(35%) / 520원
The Life of Charlotte Bronte (Paperback)
17,040원(35%) / 520원
Wives and Daughters (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Emile Zola 에밀 졸라 모두보기 >  
A Love Story (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Doctor Pascal (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Earth (Paperback)
18,600원(35%) / 560원
Germinal (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
His Excellency Eugene Rougon (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
La Bete humaine (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
La Debacle : (reissue) (Paperback)
20,150원(35%) / 610원
Money (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Nana (Paperback, 2 Revised edition)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Pot Luck (Pot-Bouille) (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
The Assommoir (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
The Belly of Paris (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
The Bright Side of Life (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
The Dream (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
The Fortune of the Rougons (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
The Kill (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
The Ladies' Paradise (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
The Masterpiece (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
The Sin of Abbe Mouret (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Therese Raquin (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
FEuripides 에우리피데스 모두보기 >  
Bacchae and Other Plays (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Heracles and Other Plays (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Medea and Other Plays (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Orestes and Other Plays (Paperback)
21,640원(15%) / 1,090원
The Trojan Women and Other Plays (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
F. Scott Fitzgerald F. 스콧 피츠제럴드 모두보기 >  
Flappers and Philosophers (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Tales of the Jazz Age (Paperback, Revised)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
The Great Gatsby (Paperback)
13,300원(5%) / 400원
This Side of Paradise (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
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A Hunger Artist and Other Stories (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
The Castle (Paperback, Critical)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
The Man Who Disappeared : (America) (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
The Metamorphosis and Other Stories (Paperback, Critical)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
The Trial (Paperback)
19,000원(5%) / 570원
George Eliot 조지 엘리엇 모두보기 >  
Adam Bede (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Daniel Deronda (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Middlemarch (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Scenes of Clerical Life (Paperback)
17,040원(35%) / 520원
Silas Marner : The Weaver of Raveloe (Paperback, 2 Revised edition)
9,290원(35%) / 280원
The Lifted Veil, and Brother Jacob (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
The Mill on the Floss (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
George Orwell 조지 오웰 모두보기 >  
A Clergyman's Daughter (Paperback)
17,040원(35%) / 520원
Animal Farm (Paperback)
17,100원(5%) / 520원
Burmese Days (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Coming Up for Air (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Down and Out in Paris and London (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Homage to Catalonia (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Keep the Aspidistra Flying (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Nineteen Eighty-Four (Paperback)
17,100원(5%) / 520원
Selected Essays (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
The Road to Wigan Pier (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Gustave Flaubert 귀스타브 플로베르 모두보기 >  
Madame Bovary : Provincial Manners (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Sentimental Education (Paperback)
17,040원(35%) / 520원
Three Tales (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
H. G. 웰스 모두보기 >  
The First Men in the Moon (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
The Invisible Man : A Grotesque Romance (Paperback)
10,840원(35%) / 330원
The Island of Doctor Moreau (Paperback)
10,840원(35%) / 330원
The Time Machine (Paperback)
9,290원(35%) / 280원
The War of the Worlds (Paperback)
13,300원(5%) / 400원
Henry James 헨리 제임스 모두보기 >  
Daisy Miller and an International Episode (Paperback)
10,840원(35%) / 330원
Daisy Miller and Other Stories (Paperback)
10,840원(35%) / 330원
The Ambassadors (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
The American (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
The Aspern Papers and Other Stories (Paperback, New)
10,840원(35%) / 330원
The Bostonians (Paperback)
18,600원(35%) / 560원
The Europeans : A Sketch (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
The Golden Bowl (Paperback)
18,030원(15%) / 910원
The Portrait of a Lady (Paperback)
10,840원(35%) / 330원
The Spoils of Poynton (Paperback)
17,040원(35%) / 520원
The Turn of the Screw and Other Stories (Paperback)
10,840원(35%) / 330원
The Wings of the Dove (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Washington Square (Paperback)
10,840원(35%) / 330원
What Maisie Knew (Paperback)
10,840원(35%) / 330원
Homer 호메로스 모두보기 >  
The Iliad (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
The Iliad (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
The Odyssey (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
The Odyssey (Hardcover)
21,420원(30%) / 430원
The Odyssey (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Honore de Balzac 오노레 드 발자크 모두보기 >  
Cousin Bette (Paperback)
17,040원(35%) / 520원
Eugenie Grandet (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Pere Goriot (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
The Girl with the Golden Eyes and Other Stories (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
The Wild Ass's Skin (Paperback)
18,600원(35%) / 560원
Jack London 잭 런던 모두보기 >  
John Barleycorn : `Alcoholic Memoirs' (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
The Call of the Wild, White Fang, and Other Stories (Paperback)
15,200원(5%) / 460원
The Sea-Wolf (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
James Joyce 제임스 조이스 모두보기 >  
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (Paperback)
10,840원(35%) / 330원
Dubliners (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Exiles (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Finnegans Wake (Paperback)
20,150원(35%) / 610원
Occasional, Critical, and Political Writing (Paperback)
17,040원(35%) / 520원
Jane Austen 제인 오스틴 모두보기 >  
Emma (Paperback)
13,300원(5%) / 400원
Lady Susan, The Watsons, and Sanditon : Unfinished Fictions and Other Writings (Paperback)
10,840원(35%) / 330원
Mansfield Park (Paperback)
9,290원(35%) / 280원
Northanger Abbey, Lady Susan, The Watsons, Sanditon (Paperback)
10,840원(35%) / 330원
Persuasion (Paperback)
7,740원(35%) / 240원
Pride and Prejudice (Paperback, 3 Revised edition)
9,500원(5%) / 290원
Sanditon (Paperback)
7,740원(35%) / 240원
Selected Letters (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Sense and Sensibility (Paperback, 3 Revised edition)
7,740원(35%) / 240원
Sense and Sensibility (Hardcover, 3 Revised edition)
18,900원(30%) / 380원
Teenage Writings (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Jean-Jacques Rousseau 장자크 루소 모두보기 >  
Confessions (Paperback)
18,600원(35%) / 560원
Discourse on Political Economy and the Social Contract (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Discourse on the Origin of Inequality (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Reveries of the Solitary Walker (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Johann Wolfgangvon Goethe 요한 볼프강 폰 괴테 모두보기 >  
Elective Affinities : A Novel (Paperback)
17,040원(35%) / 520원
Erotic Poems (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Faust: Part One (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Faust: Part Two (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
The Sorrows of Young Werther (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
John Keats 존 키츠 모두보기 >  
John Keats: Major Works (Paperback)
20,150원(35%) / 610원
Selected Letters (Paperback, Critical)
17,040원(35%) / 520원
Selected Poetry (Paperback)
10,840원(35%) / 330원
John Stuart Mill 존 스튜어트 밀 모두보기 >  
Autobiography (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
On Liberty, Utilitarianism and Other Essays (Paperback)
10,840원(35%) / 330원
Principles of Political Economy and Chapters on Socialism (Paperback)
17,040원(35%) / 520원
Jonathan Swift 조너선 스위프 모두보기 >  
A Tale of a Tub and Other Works (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Gulliver's Travels (Paperback)
7,800원(35%) / 160원
Major Works (Paperback)
20,150원(35%) / 610원
Joseph Conrad 조셉 콘래드 모두보기 >  
Chance (Paperback, Revised ed)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Heart of Darkness and Other Tales (Paperback, Revised ed)
9,290원(35%) / 280원
Lord Jim (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Nostromo : A Tale of the Seaboard (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
The Secret Agent : A Simple Tale (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
The Shadow-Line : A Confession (Paperback, Revised ed)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Typhoon and Other Tales (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Under Western Eyes (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Victory (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Leo Tolstoy 레프 톨스토이 모두보기 >  
Anna Karenina (Hardcover)
31,030원(35%) / 940원
Anna Karenina (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Anna Karenina (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Resurrection (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
The Death of Ivan Ilyich and Other Stories (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
The Devil and Other Stories (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
The Kreutzer Sonata and Other Stories (Paperback)
18,030원(15%) / 910원
War and Peace (Hardcover)
29,460원(35%) / 890원
War and Peace (Paperback, Revised)
17,040원(35%) / 520원
Livy 티투스 리비우스 모두보기 >  
Hannibal's War : Books 21-30 (Paperback)
21,710원(35%) / 660원
Rome's Italian Wars : Books 6-10 (Paperback)
20,150원(35%) / 610원
Rome's Mediterranean Empire : Books 41-45 and the Periochae (Paperback)
20,150원(35%) / 610원
The Dawn of the Roman Empire : Books 31-40 (Paperback)
20,150원(35%) / 610원
The Rise of Rome : Books One to Five (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Mark Twain 마크 트웨인 모두보기 >  
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Paperback)
9,290원(35%) / 280원
Pudd'nhead Wilson and Other Tales (Paperback)
17,100원(5%) / 520원
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Paperback)
10,840원(35%) / 330원
Nathaniel Hawthorne 너대니얼 호손 모두보기 >  
The Blithedale Romance (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
The House of the Seven Gables (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
The Marble Faun (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
The Scarlet Letter (Paperback)
13,300원(5%) / 400원
Young Goodman Brown and Other Tales (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Plato 플라톤 모두보기 >  
Defence of Socrates, Euthyphro, Crito (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Gorgias (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Meno and Other Dialogues : Charmides, Laches, Lysis, Meno (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Phaedo (Paperback)
10,840원(35%) / 330원
Phaedrus (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Protagoras (Paperback)
10,840원(35%) / 330원
Republic (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Selected Myths (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Symposium (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Theaetetus (Paperback)
17,040원(35%) / 520원
Timaeus and Critias (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Robert Louis Stevenson 로버트 루이스 스티븐슨 모두보기 >  
Kidnapped (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
South Sea Tales (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Other Tales (Paperback)
9,290원(35%) / 280원
Treasure Island (Paperback, New)
10,840원(35%) / 330원
Rudyard Kipling 러디어드 키플링 모두보기 >  
Just So Stories for Little Children (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Kim (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Plain Tales from the Hills (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Stories and Poems (Paperback)
20,150원(35%) / 610원
The Complete Stalky & Co (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
The Jungle Books (Paperback)
17,100원(5%) / 520원
The Man Who Would be King : and Other Stories (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
War Stories and Poems (Paperback)
17,040원(35%) / 520원
Samuel Johnson 새뮤얼 존슨 모두보기 >  
A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland and the Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides (Paperback)
17,040원(35%) / 520원
The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
The Lives of the Poets : A Selection (Paperback)
20,150원(35%) / 610원
The Major Works (Paperback)
20,150원(35%) / 610원
Thomas Hardy 토머스 하디 모두보기 >  
A Pair of Blue Eyes (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Desperate Remedies (Paperback)
17,040원(35%) / 520원
Far from the Madding Crowd (Paperback)
7,740원(35%) / 240원
Jude the Obscure (Paperback, Revised ed)
10,840원(35%) / 330원
Selected Poetry (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Tess of the D'Urbervilles (Paperback)
10,840원(35%) / 330원
The Mayor of Casterbridge (Paperback, New)
10,840원(35%) / 330원
The Return of the Native (Paperback, New)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
The Woodlanders (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Under the Greenwood Tree (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Wessex Tales (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Virginia Woolf 버지니아 울프 모두보기 >  
A Room of One's Own and Three Guineas (Paperback, 2 Revised edition)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Between the Acts (Paperback)
10,840원(35%) / 330원
Flush (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Kew Gardens and Other Short Fiction (Paperback, 2 Revised edition)
10,840원(35%) / 330원
Mrs Dalloway (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Night and Day (Paperback)
17,040원(35%) / 520원
Orlando (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Selected Essays (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
The Voyage Out (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
The Waves (Paperback)
10,840원(35%) / 330원
The Years (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
To the Lighthouse (Paperback)
10,840원(35%) / 330원
Walter Scott 월터 스콧 모두보기 >  
Ivanhoe (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Old Mortality (Paperback)
20,150원(35%) / 610원
Redgauntlet (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Rob Roy (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
The Antiquary (Paperback)
17,040원(35%) / 520원
The Bride of Lammermoor (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
The Heart of Midlothian (Paperback)
17,040원(35%) / 520원
Waverley (Paperback, 2 Revised edition)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Wilkie Collins 윌키 콜린스 모두보기 >  
Armadale (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Basil (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Hide and Seek (Paperback)
17,040원(35%) / 520원
Jezebel's Daughter (Paperback)
12,600원(30%) / 260원
Man and Wife (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
No Name (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Poor Miss Finch (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
The Dead Secret (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
The Law and the Lady (Paperback)
17,040원(35%) / 520원
The Moonstone (Paperback, 3 Revised edition)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
The Woman in White (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
William Shakespeare 윌리엄 셰익스피어 모두보기 >  
A Midsummer Night's Dream: The Oxford Shakespeare (Paperback)
14,400원(10%) / 720원
All's Well that Ends Well: The Oxford Shakespeare (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Anthony and Cleopatra: The Oxford Shakespeare (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
As You Like it: The Oxford Shakespeare (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Cymbeline: The Oxford Shakespeare (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Hamlet: The Oxford Shakespeare (Paperback)
15,200원(5%) / 460원
Henry IV, Part 2: The Oxford Shakespeare (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Henry IV, Part I: The Oxford Shakespeare (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Henry V: The Oxford Shakespeare (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Henry VI Part Three: The Oxford Shakespeare (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Henry VI, Part One: The Oxford Shakespeare (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Henry VI, Part Two: The Oxford Shakespeare (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
King Henry VIII: The Oxford Shakespeare : or All is True (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
King John: The Oxford Shakespeare (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Love's Labour's Lost: The Oxford Shakespeare (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Measure for Measure: The Oxford Shakespeare (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Much Ado About Nothing: the Oxford Shakespeare (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Othello: The Oxford Shakespeare : The Moor of Venice (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Pericles: The Oxford Shakespeare (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Richard II: The Oxford Shakespeare (Paperback, Critical)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
The Comedy of Errors: The Oxford Shakespeare (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
The Complete Sonnets and Poems: The Oxford Shakespeare (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
The History of King Lear: The Oxford Shakespeare (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
The Merchant of Venice: The Oxford Shakespeare (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
The Merry Wives of Windsor: The Oxford Shakespeare (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
The Taming of the Shrew: The Oxford Shakespeare (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
The Tempest: The Oxford Shakespeare (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
The Tragedy of Coriolanus: The Oxford Shakespeare (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
The Tragedy of King Richard III: The Oxford Shakespeare (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
The Two Gentlemen of Verona: The Oxford Shakespeare (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
The Two Noble Kinsmen: The Oxford Shakespeare (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
The Winter's Tale: The Oxford Shakespeare (Paperback)
14,420원(15%) / 730원
Timon of Athens: The Oxford Shakespeare (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Titus Andronicus: The Oxford Shakespeare (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Troilus and Cressida: The Oxford Shakespeare (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Twelfth Night, or What You Will: The Oxford Shakespeare (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
그 외 작가 모두보기 >  
A Case of Hysteria : (Dora) (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
A Child of the Jago (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
A Day in the Country and Other Stories (Paperback, Reissue)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
A Dictionary of Modern English Usage : The Classic First Edition (Paperback)
17,040원(35%) / 520원
A Discourse on the Method : Of Correctly Conducting One's Reason and Seeking Truth in the Sciences (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
A Hero of Our Time (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
A Life : The Humble Truth (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
A Mad World, My Masters and Other Plays (Paperback)
18,600원(35%) / 560원
A Memoir of Jane Austen : and Other Family Recollections (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and the Beautiful (Paperback, 2 Revised edition)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
A Pocket Philosophical Dictionary (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
A Sentimental Journey and Other Writings (Paperback, New)
9,290원(35%) / 280원
A Simple Story (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Aeneid (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Against Nature (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Agnes Grey (Paperback)
10,840원(35%) / 330원
Agricola and Germany (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Alexander the Great : The Anabasis and the Indica (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass (Paperback)
12,600원(10%) / 380원
An Anthology of Elizabethan Prose Fiction (Paperback)
17,040원(35%) / 520원
An Enemy of the People, the Wild Duck, Rosmersholm (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice (Paperback)
20,150원(35%) / 610원
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (Paperback)
20,150원(35%) / 610원
An Essay on the Principle of Population (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Anecdotes and Antidotes : A Medieval Arabic History of Physicians (Paperback)
17,040원(35%) / 520원
Anselm of Canterbury: The Major Works (Paperback)
17,040원(35%) / 520원
Antigone and other Tragedies : Antigone, Deianeira, Electra (Paperback)
7,740원(35%) / 240원
Antigone; Oedipus the King; Electra (Paperback)
10,840원(35%) / 330원
Arabian Nights' Entertainments (Paperback)
21,710원(35%) / 660원
Aristophanes: Frogs and Other Plays : A New Verse Translation, with Introduction and Notes (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Around the World in Eighty Days (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Aurora Floyd (Paperback)
17,040원(35%) / 520원
Aurora Leigh (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Authors in Context: Oscar Wilde (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Autobiography and Other Writings (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Barry Lyndon (Paperback)
17,040원(35%) / 520원
Bel-Ami (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Belinda (Paperback, 2 Revised edition)
17,040원(35%) / 520원
Beowulf : The Fight at Finnsburh (Paperback)
10,840원(35%) / 330원
Billy Budd, Sailor and Selected Tales (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Birds and Other Plays (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Britannicus, Phaedra, Athaliah (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Caleb Williams (Paperback)
11,340원(30%) / 230원
Camilla : Picture of Youth (Paperback)
21,710원(35%) / 660원
Candide and Other Stories (Paperback)
9,290원(35%) / 280원
Capital : An Abridged Edition (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Carmen and Other Stories (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Castle Rackrent (Paperback)
7,740원(35%) / 240원
Catherine the Great: Selected Letters (Paperback)
20,150원(35%) / 610원
Catiline's Conspiracy, the Jugurthine War, Histories (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Cecilia : Or Memoirs of an Heiress (Paperback)
23,250원(35%) / 700원
Chronicle of the Abbey of Bury St. Edmunds (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Civil War (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Classical Literary Criticism (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Collected Ghost Stories (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Collected Ghost Stories : (OWC Hardback) (Hardcover)
21,420원(30%) / 430원
Collected Maxims and Other Reflections (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Collected Poems (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Collected Poems and Other Verse (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Complete Letters (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Confessions of a Thug (Paperback)
17,040원(35%) / 520원
Confessions of an English Opium-Eater and Other Writings (Paperback, New)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Constellation Myths : With Aratus's Phaenomena (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Corinne : or Italy (Paperback)
17,040원(35%) / 520원
Critique of Judgement (Paperback)
20,150원(35%) / 610원
Culture and Anarchy (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Cyrano De Bergerac (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Danton's Death, Leonce and Lena, Woyzeck (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Daodejing (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Daphnis and Chloe (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Dead Souls : A Poem (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Dhammapada (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Dialogues and Essays (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Discourses on Livy (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Discourses, Fragments, Handbook (Paperback, Critical)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Doctor Faustus and Other Plays : Tamburlaine, Parts I and II; Doctor Faustus, A- and B-Texts; The Jew of Malta; Edward II (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Domestic Manners of the Americans (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Don Carlos and Mary Stuart (Paperback)
17,040원(35%) / 520원
Don Juan and Other Plays (Paperback)
18,600원(35%) / 560원
Don Quixote de La Mancha (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Dracula (Paperback)
19,000원(5%) / 570원
Early Modern Women's Writing : An Anthology 1560-1700 (Paperback)
20,150원(35%) / 610원
East Lynne (Paperback)
17,040원(35%) / 520원
Effi Briest (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원
Eirik the Red and Other Icelandic Sagas (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
Elegies : With Parallel Latin Text (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Elegies of Chu (Paperback)
20,150원(35%) / 610원
Eminent Victorians (Paperback)
17,040원(35%) / 520원
Emma (Paperback, 5 Revised edition)
9,290원(35%) / 280원
Empire Writing : An Anthology of Colonial Literature 1870-1918 (Paperback)
17,040원(35%) / 520원
Epigrams : With Parallel Latin Text (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Epigrams from the Greek Anthology (Paperback)
17,040원(35%) / 520원
Esther Waters (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Evelina : Or The History of a Young Lady's Entrance into the World (Paperback)
17,040원(35%) / 520원
Evolutionary Writings : Including the Autobiographies (Paperback)
18,030원(15%) / 910원
Exemplary Stories (Paperback)
17,040원(35%) / 520원
Fasti (Paperback)
17,040원(35%) / 520원
Father and Son (Paperback)
15,500원(35%) / 470원
Fathers and Sons (Paperback)
12,390원(35%) / 380원
First Love and Other Stories (Paperback)
13,940원(35%) / 420원