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오랜 시간 일산에서 홈클래스를 운영했고, 지금은 합정동에서 조이스키친 스튜디오를 운영하고 있습니다. 오프라인 클래스, 영상 강의, 개인 플랫폼, 케이크 팝업 등의 활동을 통해 조이스키친의 색이 듬뿍 담긴 케이크들을 소개하고 있습니다.

She ran a home class in Ilsan for a long time and now runs Joy’s Kitchen Studio in Hapjeong-dong. Joy's Kitchen introduces cakes full of their own identity through offline courses, video lectures, personal platforms, and cake pop-ups.

인스타그램 @joys_kitchen
블로그 blog.naver.com/silverteeth3  

저자의 말

<JOY’s KITCHEN SHORTCAKE> - 2024년 7월  더보기

Prologue I didn’t start with a love for cake. While working in restaurants, I was naturally exposed to the dessert section. I began to study pastry properly because I didn’t want to do it half-heartedly, which turned into something I have loved ever since. A lot of people ask me how I started with the classes or how I came up with the cake recipe. And I’d say, “It just kind of happened as the water flows.” One day, someone who always gives me positive energy told me, “Yes, you’re just doing what you always do, but it’s probably not ‘just’ doing it,” and that lingered with me for a long time. So, I started to think about how I’ve been ‘just’ doing it. As I reflect on it, I realize that I didn’t accomplish Joy’s cake with what it is today by ‘just’ doing it. Many of my thoughts were filled with cakes, and those thoughts were always written down with countless hours of refining them. I realized that I put a lot more time and energy into the cakes than I thought I would, and it became a part of me a lot more than I thought. I’m sure it’s the same for all of you making your own- you naturally do what you love and believe you are ‘just’ doing it until you really ask yourself. This year has been the first time I’ve really come face-to-face with all my efforts. It’s also been exhilarating to pat myself on the back for all I have accomplished over the past year in preparation for my first book and all the new plans I’ve been working on. Indeed, the one thing I never compromise on when making cakes is flavor, and my goal is to bring delicious cakes to as many people as possible. I believe that each delicious slice of cake creates a sweet moment in your life, one slice at a time. (Memories of taste and where it takes you can be more powerful than you think!) I’ll continue to move forward, just as I’ve always done, and I hope you’ll continue to enjoy life’s sweet moments with me with Joy’s Kitchen cakes. October 2022 Author CHO EUNIH

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