This book is at the “intermediate,” or i-TOEFL level of Lingua Forum’s CBT TOEFL (Computer Based Test-Test of English as a Foreign Language) series. It is ideal for students who are not yet ready for the “advanced” level, which mirrors the actual CBT TOEFL’s difficulty.
The Lingua i-TOEFL-LC (Listening Comprehension) book contains 32 lessons, which prepare the student for each LC section of the CBT TOEFL: Short Dialogues, Long Dialogues, Academic Discussion, Casual Conversation, and Lecture. Each lesson categorizes these five section types into question types. For example, in one chapter, the “Intonation” type question in the Short Dialogues section is explicated to the reader. These lessons include an example and multiple exercises. Additionally, there are numerous study aids for the Korean student, including English to Korean vocabulary translations, English to Korean script translations, dictation exercises that require the student to listen for important words in the script, and Korean answer explanations.
Special features of the i-TOEFL-LC include four audio tapes, which contain numerous CBT TOEFL-like questions, a “Full Test” which emulates an actual CBT-TOEFL session, an explanation of English sayings and an introduction to American history and culture.
(2001년 1월 30일 알라딘에 보내신 작가 코멘트)